Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Critique: Departments without images (2.9.06)

Short Talk Critique: 2/9/06

short talk 2.9
This week I was in charge of one page in Short Talk. Eddie and I split up the work, and I got "How To Fondue." I thought it would be a challenging design, and it was. There were two sidebars, one with recipes and tips, and the other about how to buy a pot.

I knew I wanted the recipes in a long vertical strip, and thought shortening the width of the headline would change up the page a little more. That left the last sidebar to fall at the bottom of the spread, and first it looked very dull--just a paragraph and then bulleted information. Liz found a fondue picture online, and I decided instead of adding it to the story, to incorporate it into the sidebar. That really helped out the spread, because it made that sidebar different from the rest of the text, and also it kept the reader's interest down at the bottom of the page. Putting the paragraph info in bulleted items also helped break up the text on the sidebar. I found a little more info to make the graphic more informative. I was very pleased with the design, and might use it for my portfolio.

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