Sunday, February 26, 2006

AIGA: Military design tatics *plus other blogs*

This week at AIGA I found an interesting article about armies using design to convince the enemy to stop fighting. The army has a specific division, the U.S. Army's 4th Psychological Operations Group, or PSYOP, based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina which is responsible for developing leaflets and posters to drop over countries like Iraq saying things like 'We wish only to liberate the people of Iraq of Saddam's tyranny.'

The article goes into how this is an old trick, used in Vietnam by the North Vietnamese and by the Nazis in WW2. They address the specific soldier, trying to dishearten them into not fighting anymore. The funny thing about it, though, is how these propaganda techniques don't actually work. They are so badly designed, using clip art or characteritures, they could hardly be called art.

You can't miss....other blog sites
I subscribe to the Design Desk, an email from, and the other day I saw this article. They list a lot of design blogs out there. Some of these I know a few of you follow, but for those of you whose blog has dried up or not amounted to anything...look at the list and maybe you can find another one.

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